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For over 24 years, I have lived in the same city of Coppell, volunteered in this same district, and raised four children through the same Coppell ISD. I am invested and committed to District 115, and I would be honored to continue to serve as the State Representative.

There are many issues concerning Texas, and I will always advocate in the interest of and for the betterment of our community, our state, and our home.


In Austin, numerous Texas legislators are making decisions that have adverse effects on both the local government and its citizens. District 115 needs a representative with firsthand experience in local governance — someone who understands the cities’ needs and the residents’ concerns. I am dedicated to advocating for local control, a stance that will ultimately serve the best interests of our cities and citizens.

There is a reason why Texas has an influx of more than 395,000 new residents each year from surrounding states and abroad: Incentive for Economic Prosperity. The economy of Texas is the 8th largest in the world because of conservative leadership and friendly policies geared toward small businesses. I am committed to maintaining economic prosperity for generations to come.


Texas is experiencing a border crisis because of the federal government's lack of action. An unaccounted number of people, along with the increase of drugs like Fentanyl and human trafficking, are coming across the border everyday. This directly affects the safety of Texans, including our children who are dying from Fentanyl overdose. I am committed to keeping Texans safe and protected from drugs and human trafficking.



Guided by my faith and belief in family value and in the worth of every individual, I deeply value the sanctity of human life from conception to natural end. At the same time, I recognize that conversations about abortion are complex, often involving difficult circumstances and heartfelt emotions, to which open dialogue and mutual respect are essential. So, while I advocate for policies that support family value and life, I will also advocate for solutions that address the needs and challenges faced by individuals and families.


While I don't personally own a gun, I support the individual's right to bear arms under the Constitution's 2nd Amendment. At the same time, I understand that gun violence is happening too often, and I am committed to advocating for sensible measures to address gun violence, especially at schools.  


As someone who attended public schools, and raised four children through them as well, I believe that public schools should be fully funded. While empowering parents to make decisions over the location of their children's education is a good idea, especially for children living in impoverished area, it should not come at the expense of public schools and their students. As such, I will advocate to fully fund public schools, to increase teacher's pay and per-student funding, and to use recapture funds to prevent unintended consequences and to ensure the quality of eduction is maintained at the highest level.


Property taxes burden families and small businesses across Texas, so I will advocate for fiscal responsibility and for relief to ensure Texans keep more of their hard-earned money. Small businesses are the driving force of community development and the local economy, and I will continue to support small businesses, just as I have done as a City of Coppell Councilmember.


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